We had already discussed the flow of money is equal to markets trend. But the sometimes Slow pace of markets creates uncertainty in TRENDS.
In that situation, many traders either exit in a few points of Profit/loss, as there mind gets tangled during such market structure.
For winning such a situation, one needs more In-depth Insight of Price Trends.
In this post will discuss how to deal with the Slow pace moving of trends for better trading profits.

On Wednesday, our new trading discovery ‘Hook Timing Method’ gives the BUY signal.
After the BUY signal market went up, but the PACE of upside was quite slow. In fact, in the middle of the day, we witness one small dip.
But the primary trend for the day was up. We took the full advantage of our BUY signal till the end. In the last hour of the day, we got the Exit signal from the Buy-side trade.
The point to note ‘SLOW’ pace of market rise after BUY Signal did’not hinder the market TREND.
After Wednesday good upside in Intraday, market opens Gap down on Friday.
As a day trader, our main aim was to Locate opportunities in intraday, and soon we get that.
After hitting the low for the day ‘Hook Timing Method,’ method gave us BUY signal around 10:30 am. The rise was QUICK in starting, but later it becomes Slow.
Both the trades rewarded us with more than 200 points, and that too with the Proper plan of Entry & Exit.
Even after some rise market trend went in Slow rising mode, but still, we followed the market trend with confidence.
More In-depth Insight of Price Trends and study will always help in achieving excellent trading success.