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WD Gann’s Famous 45-Degree Angle

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Most don’t expect that WD Gann’s great 45-degree Gann angle can apply to Intra-day trading, and that’s because Mr Gann didn’t leave any chart examples of his Intra-day trades.

But, here are a few chart examples of 45-degree Gann angle

gann angle

The missing element in most other researchers’ work is the proper alignment of Time, Price, & Space.

The above chart examples are just a small piece of WD Gann’s work. Many other such types of WD Gann work have been now Rediscovered by more than a decade of research.- Divesh

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About the Author

Divesh Jotwani is a Full-time trader in the Indian stock market. He has spent over 20+ years researching and discovering WD Gann's methods and applying them day in and out markets.