By studying the Time Price and the Past movements of the markets. One can extract Significant clues about the upcoming ‘Trends.’ Legendary trader WD Gann advised the same in his below quote.
“Time spent in the study of price, Time and past market movements will give you a rich reward” – WD Gann
The Truth of Gann’s Timing Tools

Mr. Gann was one of the Master Traders. He is still known for his impeccable market Predictions and extraordinary trading success.
There are many ways to read and understand market history. One common way that most of traders use is they look for 10/20/30 years back market history to know the future trend.
However, the above way is only useful and functional for CYCLE analysis. The actual Gann Timing Tools are different. After my year’s in-depth study into Gann’s literature, I’m sure about it.
Mr. Gann, in his literature, had given plenty of CLUES about his Timing tools.
However, we all know he never mentioned step by step process for the application of his methods. He only gave CLUES and that too in a much-hidden way.

His actual methods are not available in the public domain. So, to understand Gann’s mysterious work, the only way to do so is to study the books and courses that he had written by himself.
However, to understand his Books and courses, one needs to have an open mind to see things from a very different perspective.
Most of Gann’s researchers have made themselves victims by making a viewpoint that Time is all about just locating dates.
They have established their understanding that the study of time is only for getting a date/days/bar. But that’s entirely wrong.
There is a deeper meaning of Time and Past movements, and that is more profitable than locating dates.
Time and past movements have a significant impact on our day-to-day trading. That information can be used to find short- to long-term trading opportunities.
Most of the courses that I teach will help you in learning the proper application of Gann’s Timing Tools. – Divesh